Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 


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 These pages give names of men that JW worked and associated with. Click on the title below to see that complete journal page.

" RiverMen 1 , RiverMen 2, RiverMen 3 and RiverMen 4" are pages that list men that JW worked with and in many cases the trade of each of these men.

"Walton Yard 1883" is part of the earliest recorded information in the journal and gives the names of men that worked at Walton's Yard in 1883.

" Mt. Gretna " is not directly related to the rivers. JW was a member of the National Guard and this page lists all of the men he served with in August 1887. This unit also served at Johnstown, PA  after the flood of 1889.


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