Steamboat Building in Elizabeth, PA

A Journal of daily activities at the Elizabeth Marine Ways 1898 to 1925 

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These pages are a list of names that J.W. Lynch wrote in his journals from 1926 into 1948.  Most of these people lived in or near Elizabeth, PA during this time period and, for a reason which is shown, had their name mentioned in his journal.  The reasons varied from visiting JW to the death of the individual.  I have tried to read the handwriting correctly to insure correct spelling, please check for spelling variations.

If you have a question concerning the specific entry please contact me

jwmohney "at" comcast dot net     

Please make changes to email address, it is not a clickable address.



Nash, Jane  July 26, 1947 Visited
Neal, Sam July 2/4, 1941 Death/Funeral
Neff, Ann October 20, 1933 Death
Neff, Chill March 8, 1941 Death
Nevin, James M. February 2, 1934 Death
Nolder, Austin December 4, 1944 Death
Nolder, Elsworth April 2, 1934 Death
Nolder, Marion February 22, 1931 Funeral
Nunes, Joe January 16, 1933 Met With
October 8, 1944 Visited


ONeil, J.D. January 14, 1933 Met at Funeral
ONeil, Jim April 24, 1938 Death
Opfar, Jake May 8, 1944 Death
Opfar, Louis June 13, 1944 Death
Opfar, Theo October 29, 1945 Funeral
Packard, Floyd October 14, 1944 Funeral
Packard, William June 23/25, 1936 Death/Funeral
Painter, Bob January 29 Feb 1, 1936 Death/Funeral
Painter, Fannie March 4/6, 1943 Death/Funeral
Painter, Frank June 4, 1942 Funeral
Painter, Pinnie March 23, 1931 Funeral
Painter, Sam August 19, 1932 Funeral
Palin, Richard December 3, 1942 Death
Pancost, Ann Boyd August 18, 1935 Death
Pancost, Harve April 21/23, 1936 Death/Funeral
Pancost, J. B. February 3, 1937 Funeral
Pancost, R. L. (Link) February 19/21, 1940 Death/Funeral
Pancost, Sam December 30/31, 1937 Death/Funeral
Pancost, W.   (Bill) September 4, 1926 House Flooded
September 9, 1932 Car Trip Together
January 4, 1938 Car Trip together
March 4, 1938 Trip Together
January 20, 1939 Stroke
February 2/5, 1939 Death/ Funeral
Pancost, Wm. M. May 16, 1939 Funeral
Pangburn, Elmer February 3/4, 1936 Death/Funeral
Pangburn, James May 30, 1927 Funeral
Pangburn, R.E. (Honey) January 1, 1942 Death
Pascoe, Carl May 17, 1930 Death
Patterson, Eben. February 16, 1938 Death
Patterson, John P. December 10, 1939 Death
October 9, 1942 Remains Moved
Patterson, Mildred December 4, 1937 Was murdered
Patton, Ann Storer April 11/14, 1944 Death/Funeral
Patton, Jim May 30, 1938 Visited
April 21, 1941 Remembers Him
Paul, Vine Steveson December 24, 1942 Death
Peairs, Elmer September 27, 1930 At McKinney Funeral
August 13, 1932 Visited JW
December 22/25, 1938 Death/Funeral
Peairs, Elmer Mrs. November 2, 1936 Death
Penman, Hattie April 19, 1946 Visited
December 10, 1947 Visited
Pennman, Mrs April 10, 1930 Funeral
Peoples, Annie (Peebles) October 30/2, 1947 Death/Funeral
Peoples, Sam July 9, 1934 Picked Cherries
November 21, 1946 Visited
Percival, Catherine Wylie March 6, 1940 Funeral
Percival, W. E. April 27, 1944 Death
Phillips, Chas. March 11, 1941 Death
Phillips, Dave June 21, 1938 Widow's Death
Phillips, Sadie November 30, 1945 Funeral
Pierce, Andrew December 24, 1937 Old Time Farmer
Pollock, John Shaffer February 26, 1943 Death
Porter, J.W. October 13, 1928 Death
Porter, Zeke July, 27, 1934 Death
Price, Alfred September 30, 1946 Death
Price, Beulah August 5, 1940 Death
Price, Sam February 28/3, 1947 Death/Funeral
Provino, Robert December 20, 1943 Death
Pryor, George January 31, 1941 Death
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